John 11:28 says “The Teacher is here and is calling for you.” This wonderful quote of Martha’s is just after she says to Jesus, “Yes, Lord, I believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God.” She then goes to find her sister, Mary.Is the Teacher calling you?
Are you looking for a connection with God but haven’t found one? Are you seeking to enter into loving intimacy and ever-deepening relationship with God?Perhaps the answer is Diakonia.
Click Here to View the Lower Susquehanna Synod Diakonia Page
Diakonia gives you time with God through prayer, a series of courses, and opportunities for practical ministry. It is more than just a course of study, it is a chance to listen with your heart and soul too. It is an opportunity to grow spiritually.The class sessions, workshops and retreats will give you an opportunity to meet with brothers and sisters in Christ to grow spiritually and learn about the good news of Jesus Christ.
Diakonia is a two-year education and faith formation program for laity. It emphasizes the vocation of all Christians to serve as Christ has served us. This program is sponsored by the ELCA. Classes are also taught in the Southeast Pennsylvania Synod, New Jersey Synod, Northern Illinois Synod and other Synods.
View Diakonia Brochure Here
Please contact Pastor Bob Yankovitz for further information about the Diakonia program. Classes are held on Tuesday evenings from 6:00 p.m. -9:00 p.m. at our Synod’s Resource Center/Center for Faith Formation at 900 S. Arlington Avenue, Suite 220B, Harrisburg, PA.
Read the full program overview and course descriptions:
Read about the Center for Faith Formation and its programs here: